8 hours ago
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
A New Attitude
I feel like a dark cloud has been following me around for a couple months now. I felt like I was just moving through the days in a fog. Even the spirit of the Yule and Christmas season, which I usually love, proved elusive to me this year. Oh, don't get me wrong. I enjoyed the family time and the beautiful lights and decorations and I miss the Christmas songs not playing on the radio any longer. But there was definitely something missing in it all this year for me. The whole season seemed to be over even before it started. Feeling depresses sucks and I woke up this morning not wanting to feel that way anymore.
I know where it was all coming from. My mind and spirit have been bogged down with worries and fears about the future for awhile now. I think every possible thing that could possibly go wrong when my son and I move to the ranch this summer has gone through my mind in slow, methodical detail at least once the last few weeks. I have lain awake many nights tossing and turning with my stomach all tied up in knots. What if I can't find a job when we get there? What if my son hates his new school? What if...what if? The what if's are about to drive me crazy. Then there is the knowledge that I will be hurting someone that I care very deeply about. I imagine him here...alone...and my heart wants to break. I have to keep reminding myself that he is making a choice the same as I am. He wants to stay...I want to go.
My daughter was late coming home yesterday morning to watch Tino for me while I went to work and when she finally got here I really let into her. I mean, yes, I was mad. She was late and not for a very good reason--but, my reaction was way over the top. I think it was all of the emotions bubbling around inside me just spilling over and erupting. I even burst into tears after a long, loud tirade. Kind of embarrassing now that I think back on it. I mean, I'm the Mom. I am supposed to stay in control, right? Always be on an even keel. I was about as far off from even as you can get, LOL. I have to admit, though, I did feel a little bit better afterwards. I don't think I did anything that will require my kids to get therapy later on in life--at least I hope not.
This morning I woke up with a new attitude. I'm not real sure where it came from, I'm just glad it decided to show up. For the first time through all this muck, I was not thinking about everything that could go wrong. I was actually thinking about what just might go right.
I found myself daydreaming about the type of job that just might be waiting for me. A better job. Something that I might enjoy a whole lot more than what I am doing right now. Hey, I appreciate even having a job right now, during these hard times, but cleaning other people's toilets is not exactly a dream come true. It is what it is--pretty good money and great hours--and I am thankful for it. But, I can dream, can't I, LOL.
I grew up riding horses but never really had the money or the property to own a horse after I got out on my own. Going back to the ranch will mean that I can get back into riding again. I let myself imagine what it will feel like to feel the fingers of the wind blowing through my hair and that amazing energy that you can tangibly feel when you and a horse really become one--when it's body almost feels like an extension of your own. There is nothing like that--not that I have found anyway.
And those are just a few of the thoughts that were meandering through my mind today. It felt really, really good. I think I may even have had a smile on my face a time or two and that is a very welcome change.
We Need to Get Pissed Off
Last night I watched the movie Food, Inc. directly from Netflix. I had heard about it a while ago but just never had the chance to check it out. To put it bluntly, this movie will piss you the fuck off--at least I hope it will. The only way we are going to effect any change is when enough of us finally do get pissed off enough to do something about it. They are hijacking our lives right in front of our noses and we are sitting back and paying them big bucks to do it. They don't pay any attention to our voices anymore. But, believe me, our dollars speak loud and clear. Watch it...and pass it along...
Food, Inc.
Food, Inc. on Netflix
Food, Inc.
Food, Inc. on Netflix
Monday, December 28, 2009
What I'm Reading
From the back cover:
"The Inner Temple of Witchcraft is a thorough course of education, introspection, meditation, and the development of the magickal and psychic abilities that are the birthright of the witch. Four introductory chapters present the history, traditions, and principles of witchcraft, followed by thirteen lessons that start with basic meditation techniques and culminate in a self-initiation ceremony equivalent to the first-degree level of traditional coven-based witchcraft."
I began reading Mr. Penczac's book about a week ago--it has been slow going because I haven't had much reading time--but I am really enjoying it so far.
These are a few quotes that really jumped out at me, taken directly from the book:
"Empowerment and responsibility are the heart, and true lesson, of magick."
""Witchcraft is an art, science, and religion. A Witch is one who 'lives the art, science, and religion of witchcraft.' "
"Divinity in all things is recognized, from the land, water, and sky, to plants, animals, and people."
"We recognize the spirit of life running through all things, but believe it expresses itself through a multitude of faces."
"Witches focus on divinity in the form of male and female energies, gods & goddesses."
"A witch is a walker between the worlds."
"We honor life, everywhere, and see the Divine in everything and everyone."
I would have to highly recommend this book for the person just finding their way on this path or even one who has been walking it for a longer period of time.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Where'd it Go?
Here it is December 27th already. My little boy was in such a hurry last week for Christmas to finally get here--and I kept trying to tell him to enjoy the season because the day would arrive and be over before we knew it. My favorite time of the season is the days leading up to Christmas and especially Christmas Eve. For the last two years we have gone out to dinner on Christmas Eve--saving the big home cooked meal for the Special Day. This year, though, it just would not have happened if not for the generosity of the parents of the other boys on my son's soccer team who gave my husband a gift card for a very nice restaurant in town as a thank you for being the coach. We had a very nice evening and a really delicious meal. Afterwards, we drove around looking at the beautiful Christmas lights and decorations and later had a small group of family over for dessert (cookies, fudge and pumpkin cheesecake) and Ginger Ale Sherbet Punch (Yummy!) and Pictionary. It was a lot of fun.
Christmas morning arrived bright and early thanks to a certain nine-year-old boy I know. And after opening presents and eating a quick breakfast, we packed up and jumped in the car to drive down to my husbands family to have an early Christmas dinner.
They are all very good and loving people but it is never quite comfortable for me. We end up going to my husband's aunts house and there are always lots of people there that I don't know very well. And this year there is some friction between the three brothers--my husband, his older brother, and his younger brother. The older brother pretty much abandoned his family five years ago and dove into a pool of alcoholism and drug abuse. He has almost bankrupted their mother because she has tried to bail him out and take care of his three daughters at the same time. She made house payments so they wouldn't lose their home, car payments so the cars would not be repossessed. She lost her job because her health took a downturn because of all the stress he put her through. The younger brother tried to give him a job in his company--one that he could never show up for and loaned him money that he will never see again. We never had any money to loan him so he didn't even try us, LOL. And, he doesn't even see the devastation he has caused. So my husband and his younger brother can barely even look at their older brother--much less talk to him. But, they did try to be civil and even friendly at Christmas.
The older brother's girlfriend (the one he spoke up about at family blessing time and said basically that she was the only one who has not turned her back on him through all this) kept following me around and wanting to talk to me about things. I don't even really know her and although I tried to be friendly and caring--I know she probably feels very overwhelmed--it was kind of uncomfortable and draining. Not very festive. Then, later, after we had already returned home I find out from my youngest son that my husbands uncle kind of yelled at my son just for asking him where he should put his dirty plate. I don't have any idea what was going on there.
At the end of the day I was thrilled to go back to my younger brother-in-laws home and finish the day playing board games and watching movies.
I missed my family in Oakhurst very much and wished I could have been there. My husband had spent Thanksgiving there with me, though, so I felt like I had to return the favor. Next year is going to be different.
I hope all of you had a very nice Christmas--and that you are still enjoying the season a little bit--and that you are where you want to be.
Christmas morning arrived bright and early thanks to a certain nine-year-old boy I know. And after opening presents and eating a quick breakfast, we packed up and jumped in the car to drive down to my husbands family to have an early Christmas dinner.
They are all very good and loving people but it is never quite comfortable for me. We end up going to my husband's aunts house and there are always lots of people there that I don't know very well. And this year there is some friction between the three brothers--my husband, his older brother, and his younger brother. The older brother pretty much abandoned his family five years ago and dove into a pool of alcoholism and drug abuse. He has almost bankrupted their mother because she has tried to bail him out and take care of his three daughters at the same time. She made house payments so they wouldn't lose their home, car payments so the cars would not be repossessed. She lost her job because her health took a downturn because of all the stress he put her through. The younger brother tried to give him a job in his company--one that he could never show up for and loaned him money that he will never see again. We never had any money to loan him so he didn't even try us, LOL. And, he doesn't even see the devastation he has caused. So my husband and his younger brother can barely even look at their older brother--much less talk to him. But, they did try to be civil and even friendly at Christmas.
The older brother's girlfriend (the one he spoke up about at family blessing time and said basically that she was the only one who has not turned her back on him through all this) kept following me around and wanting to talk to me about things. I don't even really know her and although I tried to be friendly and caring--I know she probably feels very overwhelmed--it was kind of uncomfortable and draining. Not very festive. Then, later, after we had already returned home I find out from my youngest son that my husbands uncle kind of yelled at my son just for asking him where he should put his dirty plate. I don't have any idea what was going on there.
At the end of the day I was thrilled to go back to my younger brother-in-laws home and finish the day playing board games and watching movies.
I missed my family in Oakhurst very much and wished I could have been there. My husband had spent Thanksgiving there with me, though, so I felt like I had to return the favor. Next year is going to be different.
I hope all of you had a very nice Christmas--and that you are still enjoying the season a little bit--and that you are where you want to be.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Wishcasting Wednesday
What do you wish for this holiday season?
Does it sound trite if I say that this holiday season I wish for peace on Earth? Sorry if it does, but that is what I wish for. I wish for true brotherhood and sisterhood. I wish for a feeling of connectedness between us all. I wish we could all feel the connection that we have with all things and know that when we hurt another we truly do hurt ourselves. I wish that our world was not controlled by greed and money. What might that world be like? I think it would be a world I would like to live in.
He Illuminates Inside, Too...
The tree turned out just lovely, you wouldn't even know how crooked she is. One leg of the tree stand is propped up on about 3 books to make it look this way, LOL. We like her anyway.
For some reason it was really hard for me to get into the festive mood this year. It just seems like it came on so fast. But the holiday lights--both inside and outside--are very lovely and I will miss them when we have to take them down.
I saw on another blog--I apologize to whomever it was cuz I have forgotten--where they arranged white lights under the "snow" under their holiday towns and houses and it looked so festive that I just had to steal the idea for the houses below. I don't know if you can see it or not because of the camera flash.
I hope you all are having a very wonderful and warm holiday season surrounded by your family and dear ones. Be blessed...
Monday, December 21, 2009
My husband had to work all day on Saturday so after Tino had come in and told me he was bored for the 340th time I grabbed the phone and dialed for movie info. I hadn't heard very much about Avatar but when I mentioned it to Tino he said that that was the one he wanted to see.
We got to the theater about 20 minutes early--which was a good thing as there was already a pretty big line to see this movie. We had a choice to see it in either 3D or regular (3D was $3 extra) and Tino said that he wanted to watch it in 3D, so a small fortune later and we had our tickets and our 3D goggles. Thankfully, the line went quickly and it wasn't too hard to find a good seat.
So how was it? OMG!!! Awesome doesn't really cover it. The movie is 2 hours and 45 minutes long and you don't even realize it. It is one of those movies that you are kind of bummed when it is over and you have to go back to the real world, LOL. Usually Tino finds it hard to sit through a regular length movie and he DID NOT move during the whole thing.
If you get the chance, go see it. And let me know what you think.
Yule 2009
Today marks the first day of winter and the Winter Solstice. It is the shortest day of the year and sunset tonight will begin what will be the longest (darkest) night of the year. There will be many Pagan rituals tonight to call back the light of the sun and to celebrate the rebirth of the sun god. And as the god grows stronger, each day will see the sun shine just a wee bit longer. The goddess, as the Crone, will also be reborn as the Maiden and the circle (or wheel) of life will continue on as it always has.
I love this time of year. It feels like a time of going within, staying close to home, encircling yourself with friends, family and loved ones. The cold weather outside works to bring everyone together to stay close and protected inside. The business of life seems to slow down (hopefully) and we are allowed time to reflect and restore. We seem to be a little more nicer to one another this time of year. There is a feeling floating around out there in the ethers that seems to promote light and love and brotherhood and sisterhood. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could sustain that feeling all through the year?
I wish you and your families a very warm and loving Yule season.
I love this time of year. It feels like a time of going within, staying close to home, encircling yourself with friends, family and loved ones. The cold weather outside works to bring everyone together to stay close and protected inside. The business of life seems to slow down (hopefully) and we are allowed time to reflect and restore. We seem to be a little more nicer to one another this time of year. There is a feeling floating around out there in the ethers that seems to promote light and love and brotherhood and sisterhood. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could sustain that feeling all through the year?
I wish you and your families a very warm and loving Yule season.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
A Very Special Giveaway
Kathy (or perhaps you know her better as The Celtic Witch) over at Magickal Enchantments is offering a really special giveaway to celebrate the New Year.
A Custom Spirituality Kit
The kit includes:
A Custom Blended Oil
A Custom Blended Herbal Sachet
A Crystal Specific to Your Spiritual Needs
In The Celtic Witches own words...
"Are you feeling stagnant and unmotivated? Perhaps you feel as though something is missing in your life, but your not sure where to begin looking for it. The time has come to connect to your spiritual roots and inner light. Your life is a gift and how you live it is your choice."
I am very excited about this giveaway and am just in love with the beauty and intent of the items offered. I entered...how about you?
The Greenhorns
Jenna of Cold Antler Farm shared a wonderful little video from The Greenhorns.net about a documentary they are making about Young Greenhorn farmers--or all those who find themselves suddenly feeling the call to put their hands to the soil. It is pretty awesome and you should check it out.
Cold Antler Farm,
The Greenhorns.net
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
My Favorite Holiday Frugal Finds
I love me a good bargain...and I love hunting for those bargains just as much. I am a regular at our area Good Will store--I am sure they know me by name (they don't actually call me by name--but, I'm sure they know it all the same). Okay, so maybe they don't really, but they should. There are a couple of other thrift stores in the area but Good Will is my favorite hands down. I also like The Dollar Store sometimes. I have heard that the salvation Army Store is also pretty awesome but it is a 30 minute drive away and I can tend to be a bit of a homebody--my word. My family is not so nice. They call me The Hermit. Whatever.
Through the years money has been a little tight here and there. It seems like it gets the tightest just around the holidays, though. So, sometimes you have to get creative...with presents (layaway is my friend) and with holiday decorations. These are a few of my favorite holiday frugal finds...
Through the years money has been a little tight here and there. It seems like it gets the tightest just around the holidays, though. So, sometimes you have to get creative...with presents (layaway is my friend) and with holiday decorations. These are a few of my favorite holiday frugal finds...
I found this advent calendar several years ago at Good Will. I paid $3.50 for it. I just love the Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus scene on the top and there is a little mouse that gets moved from pocket to pocket as the days pass by. I fill the pockets of the days yet to come with Hershey Kisses for Tino to enjoy. He never seems to forget to move the mouse--go figure.
This handmade Christmas tree skirt came from Good Will as well. It was in perfect condition and is just lovely. I think I paid $5.00 for this.
This is my first nutcracker and I plan on starting a little collection. I found this guy brand new in the box at--you guessed it, Good Will. Isn't he great! I paid around $3.00 for him.
These Nativity figures were a find at The Dollar Store in town, so each figurine was $1.00. They are really detailed and intricate. I used to have some of the barn animals as well, but I think Tino had something to do with their disappearances as he used to like to play with them when he was younger. The nice thing about finding decorations for such a sweet price is that you don't freak out when little hands come to call.
Do you like to bargain hunt? Have any cool holiday frugal finds of your own? I'd love to hear about them.
Frugal Finds,
Good Will,
Holiday Decorations,
Thrift Store
And We Have Exterior Illumination
I told you he was crazy, didn't I? He just finished with the lights last night--he did get held up a little bit by the rain, though. Crazy or not, he is one hell of a Christmassy illuminator.
What do you think?
Next time...interior illumination. Yep, he does that too.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Where I Stood
I heard this song the other day and I was floored. Never before has a song captured the words of my heart so precisely...
"Where I Stood" By Missy Higgins
Utube Video
I don't know what I've done
Or if I like what I've begun
But something told me to run
And honey you know me it's all or none
There were sounds in my head
LIttle voices whispering
That I should go and this should end
Oh and I found myself listening
'Cos I dont know who I am, who I am without you
All I know is that I should
And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you
All I know is that I should
'Cos she will love you more than I could
She who dares to stand where I stood
See I thought love was black and white
That it was wrong or it was right
But you ain't leaving without a fight
And I think I am just as torn inside
'Cos I dont know who I am, who I am without you
All I know is that I should
And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you
All I know is that I should
'Cos she will love you more than I could
She who dares to stand where I stood
And I won't be far from where you are if ever you should call
You meant more to me than anyone I ever loved at all
But you taught me how to trust myself and so I say to you
This is what I have to do
'Cos I dont know who I am, who I am without you
All I know is that I should
And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you
All I know is that I should
'Cos she will love you more than I could
She who dares to stand where I stood
Oh, she who dares to stand where I stood
I don't know what I've done
Or if I like what I've begun
But something told me to run
And honey you know me it's all or none
There were sounds in my head
LIttle voices whispering
That I should go and this should end
Oh and I found myself listening
'Cos I dont know who I am, who I am without you
All I know is that I should
And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you
All I know is that I should
'Cos she will love you more than I could
She who dares to stand where I stood
See I thought love was black and white
That it was wrong or it was right
But you ain't leaving without a fight
And I think I am just as torn inside
'Cos I dont know who I am, who I am without you
All I know is that I should
And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you
All I know is that I should
'Cos she will love you more than I could
She who dares to stand where I stood
And I won't be far from where you are if ever you should call
You meant more to me than anyone I ever loved at all
But you taught me how to trust myself and so I say to you
This is what I have to do
'Cos I dont know who I am, who I am without you
All I know is that I should
And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you
All I know is that I should
'Cos she will love you more than I could
She who dares to stand where I stood
Oh, she who dares to stand where I stood
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I've Been Tagged...Happy Holidays
Miss Bella Foxglove from over at Memoirs Of A Crazy Witch has tagged me to take part in a little holiday survey thingy and since I seem to be having the hardest time getting in the holiday mood this year, I thought what the heck, might do me good. And guess what...afterwards, I get to choose 5 of you wonderful bloggy friends to pass it along to....oh, who might it be...
This little holiday questionnaire originated from Heather and you should pop in and check out her wonderful blog, Top 10 Christmas while your at it. These are the rules:
This little holiday questionnaire originated from Heather and you should pop in and check out her wonderful blog, Top 10 Christmas while your at it. These are the rules:
- You can copy and paste the questions right into your blog and then answer them
- Then tag 5 or more of your favorite blogs, and leave them a comment telling them they’ve been tagged.
- When you post your blog, please spread some Christmas cheer, and leave a link back to Heather at (Top 10 Christmas), and the blog that you were tagged by.
1. Have you started Yule shopping yet? Just a little teeny weeny bit. We have had a few things on layaway for a few weeks and will be picking them up this weekend. Money is tight this year and my family has decided to buy pretty much only for the little ones this year.
2. Tell me about one of your special holiday traditions? We usually go out to eat on Christmas Eve and then come home for cookies and eggnog and hot cider. We will either play board games or watch Christmassy type moves with the kids. The young ones get to open one present from us before going to bed, after which time we will bring in the Santa presents and put them under the tree for the next morning. The next day we are awakened early by eager children, we open pressies and then have a late breakfast. After we have gotten up and around, we pack up the car and start the 2-1/2 hour drive to my mother-in-laws house for Christmas dinner.
3. When do you put up your tree? Usually a couple weeks before the big day and then we keep it up till after New Years.
4. Are you a Black Friday Shopper? Absolutely NOT! I would so much rather spend time with my family during the Thanksgiving holiday than be out amongst all that craziness.
5. Do you travel at Yule or stay at home? We travel the day of Christmas down to my mother-in-laws house.
6. What is your funniest Yule memory? Well, I don't know how funny it was--at least to me--but the rest of the family seemed to find it hilarious. My husband had brought home a tree resembling the one in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation movie and we had finally gotten it in the house, up and decorated. It was truly a beautiful sight. However, about an hour later, while we were all sitting down to a home cooked meal, we heard this weird scratching noise coming from the living room and then a whoosh and a huge crash and a loud Meee-OOOWWWW. It seems the cat had tried to roost in the bows of the tree making it a little bit off balance--she was kind of a rotund feline. The tree came crashing down. Ya, I didn't think it was very funny at all.
7. What is your favorite Yule movie of all times? It's not really even a Christmas movie but for some reason I have to watch it every year around the holiday time...A Family Man with Nicolas Cage...my husband likes It's a Wonderful Life--I do, too, but A Family Man is my fave.
8. Do you do any Yule baking and what's your favorite treat? I love to bake and used to make all kinds of different cookies. My family only really likes Chocolate Chip cookies, though, so I usually end up eating too many of all the rest so I don't bake so many anymore.
9. Fake or real tree? It has to be a real tree for us. I have to be able to smell that pine smell, you know.
10. What day does the actual panic set in to get it all done? I don't get all that panicked anymore. I have come to the conclusion that we can only do what we can do and the rest will just fall into place somehow. It usually does...
11. Are you still wrapping presents on Yule Eve? Well, of course
12. What is your favorite family fun time at Yule? Christmas Eve family time
13. What Yule craft do you like best? I always have all these plans to do things, you know, like string cranberries and/or popcorn to put around the tree. It hasn't happened yet.
14. Yule music? Yes or No, and if yes, what is your favorite song? I love Christmas music. Our local radio station plays it from Dec. 10th thru Christmas day and I love it.
15. Do you plan to finish all your shopping? Somehow, someway I always seem to be able to get it done.
Now....my little pretties...who shall be next...
5. October Farm
Have fun!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
And the Children Shall Lead Us...
I came across an amazing post on another blog that I frequent, The Anima Lifeways & Herbal School Blog, written by Rhiannon Cadhla Hardin--who just happens to be a 9 year old girl. The title of her post is Being the Heroine (or Hero) of Your Own Story and the insight and wisdom that this child-woman exhibits really spoke to me this morning. So much that I really wanted to share her post with you. You can find it here. Let me know if her words speak to you like they did to me.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Four-Footed Ranch Hands
These are some of the four-footed hands that help us out on the ranch from time to time. Well, okay, some of them seem to be more prone to causing mischief than actually "helping"--I'm not mentioning any names. Let's just say that it is a good thing they are so cute....

This is Spikey and we pretty much spend most of our time making sure an owl or a hawk doesn't carry him away for lunch.
And this pretty puss answers to the name of Muddy Waters--or Mud for short. I LOVE this cat. She has the best personality and likes to sleep right on your chest at night. She hangs out with the dogs--although this might be for personal protection rather than actual preference. The ranch used to have several cats but one by one they have disappeared. We thought it was coyotes but now we think it is probably a bobcat that we have seen once or twice. When you are on the ranch you are pretty much out in the wilds.
This is Harley Davidson. He is a big ol' brute, isn't he. He is so funny. If you clip a leash onto his collar he hits the deck and will not get up until you take the leash off. Once when we were doing some tractor work and needed to make sure he stayed out of the way, my mother's boyfriend, Jim, stuck a hose through his collar--just the tip of the hose under his collar. We all looked at him like he was crazy--like ya, that is really going to hold him--but ol' Harley hit the deck and stayed that way until we were done and took the hose away. It was hilarious.
Poor guy, though, he suffers from epilepsy pretty bad so these days he has to be kept pretty drugged up. The seizures he has are pretty awful to see.
This fine hunka canine flesh is the indomitable Rose. What she lacks in overall leg length she more than makes up for in heart and stamina. She goes everywhere with us when we are tooling around in the Mule and has no problem whatsoever keeping up with the other dogs. As a matter of fact, she is usually the one out in front.
And, last but not least, the glorious Sparkle. She may be feeling her age these days (I am not for certain sure of her age but I used to ride her in drill team when I was around 16 or 17 and I am 39 years young now--if that gives you an idea). She lolls her days away now just grazing where she feels like it and taking dust baths whenever she feels like it. She's a Diva, this one, and believe me, she knows it.
That's all for now.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Gettin' Around on the Ranch
This is one of the main ways we get around on the ranch. It's called a Mule and is quite handy really. When my family had first moved to the ranch about 5 years ago, and I had yet to spend much time there and had never even heard of this type of mule--I live about 2-1/2 hours away at the moment--my sister and I were talking on the phone and she happened to mention that my 75 year old grandmother and her husband Ken had gone up to the mail box on the mule. Now you can just imagine my reaction. The mail box for the ranch is out on the main road at the end of a 1-1/2 mile driveway. I had a picture in my head of the two of them riding down the road on the back of a big ol' mule--you know, the one with the long ears and four legs. I remember that I was like "what the hell?!" My sister quickly set me straight as we both busted up with laughter. If you knew my grandmother you would understand why. She stands all of 4 feet tall and is a round, plump little thing. The idea of her up on a great big mule--and her husband riding along with her-- is a little disconcerting to say the least. Too funny!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
O Christmas Tree
Last night was the annual Christmas Parade in a neighboring town and the Cub Scout pack that my youngest son belongs to walked in it. They were supposed to decorate themselves like Christmas trees. They were all too cute and they had a great time--even if it was REALLY cold.
We ended up getting some battery powered light strings from Home Depot and then I let him pick out whatever kind of decorations he wanted at The Dollar Store. At first he was not thrilled with the headpiece but after a few of the other boys told him it looked cool, he was okay with it.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
The BlogFrog
Check out my sidebar to learn a little more about The Blog Frog. I think it might be pretty cool. If you would like to, I would love for you to link your blog to mine. Let me know and I will gladly post your button if you have one. If not, thats cool, too. I'm just glad that you stopped by and took a few moments to read my ramblings. Be blessed...
Tour of The Yosemite Pioneer History Center at Wawona Part 2
This is our 2nd stop on The Yosemite Pioneer History Center Tour. It is the artist, Chris Jorgensen's log cabin, called The Bungalow. Mr. Jorgensen built his cabin in 1903 on the north bank of the Merced River across from the Sentinel Hotel in the Old Upper Village. The cabin was a one-story, one-room structure. The gable roof was wood-shingled with the front decorative gable end projecting ten feet out from the front wall of the cabin which created a wonderful covered porch area. The Bungalow was the third structure that Jorgensen built in the valley. He had built an earlier cottage as a residence in 1900 as well as a separate painting studio. Jorgensen would remain in this 2nd residence until 1918.

The cabin was locked up tight but I was able to take a picture through one of the side windows--sorry for the blurriness.
It appears that the National Park Service (established in 1917) may have had something to do with Mr. Jorgensen vacating his cabin in 1918. It turns out that the NPS had spent a summer in what they felt were inadequate tent quarters in 1917. Then in 1918, Mr. Jorgensen suddenly "decides" to move out of his hand-hewn log home and the NPS moves on in. I don't know, sounds kind of fishy to me. What do you think?
Anyway, the cabin was made into a clubhouse for members of the National Park Service who converted it into a kitchen and a dining room. This arrangement lasted until 1921 when the Yosemite Museum was established and took up residence there. Mr. Jorgensen donated his extensive Native American basket collection to the museum in 1923 and upon his death in 1935 they also acquired 198 oil and watercolor paintings from his family. The paintings were on display until 1966 when the museum was closed for use as administrative offices. Unfortunately, since the closure of the museum, neither Mr. Jorgensen's paintings or his other collections have been available for public viewing.
In 1962 the Park Service moved The Bungalow to The Yosemite Pioneer History Museum in the mistaken belief that it was Mr. Jorgensen's painting studio. Unfortunately, his earlier residence and the actual studio had been razed by the time they figured out their mistake. Ah, the beauty of our bureaucracy at work. Oh well, I think The Bungalow is a treasure and I'm glad it survived.
Friday, December 4, 2009
If Only these Stones Could Talk
This is the large rock formation above the bigger pond on the ranch. Actually right now, it is not much more than a puddle, but when it is like this it is easier to move up into the rocks and see the caves a little better. Although there is a rather grumpy badger that lives around here and one has to be careful not to run into him while exploring.
This rock formation is just amazing. I can't even begin to imagine how long it has been here.
This is a picture from last year after the spring runoffs. It gives you an idea of how tall the rocks are above you when you are down there near the caves. This is such a special place. It just has that feel to it. I know I am not describing it well, I hope you have an idea of what I am talking about. A special place that really speaks to you. Where you feel connected to something much more than yourself.
Where is that special place for you?
There are signs all over that it has been enjoyed and utilized by many people before us. These are some of the grinding holes we have discovered in the rocks out in front of this pond area:
When the water level is high and the water is flowing you can almost imagine one of the many tribes of Indians that populated this area camping here and going about their daily tasks. These are three of the tribes that I know about:
If only these stones could talk...can you imagine what they might have to say?
Looking at Witchy Datebooks & Calendars for 2010
I would forget my head if it were not attached to my body--seriously...I would. I have to leave myself notes all over the place to remember things. You know: school field trips, meetings, dr.'s and dentists appointments. If I can keep the information in front of my face for a few days then usually it's all good and I started thinking that maybe it would be nice to have this information in one spot that I could keep with me--I know--brilliant, right, LOL. I have never had a planner or a day book before but I think that that would be just the thing. So, I have been looking at a few and these are the ones that I am contemplating. Any ideas...good or bad...about any of them?
7th House's Seasons of the Witch Daily
7th House's Seasons of the Witch Weekly
7th House's Seasons on the Wall 2010
Llewellyn's Witch's Calendar
Llewellyn's Witch's Datebook
Llewellyn's 2010 Witches Companion: An Almanac for Everyday Living
Llewellyn's Astrological 2010 Calendar
We'Moon 2010 Datebook
Call of the Goddess 2010 Wall Calendar
Myth & Magick 2010 Calendar
Any that I've missed? Please share...
7th House's Seasons of the Witch Daily
7th House's Seasons of the Witch Weekly
7th House's Seasons on the Wall 2010
Llewellyn's Witch's Calendar
Llewellyn's Witch's Datebook
Llewellyn's 2010 Witches Companion: An Almanac for Everyday Living
Llewellyn's Astrological 2010 Calendar
We'Moon 2010 Datebook
Call of the Goddess 2010 Wall Calendar
Myth & Magick 2010 Calendar
Any that I've missed? Please share...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
This post was not originally supposed to be about our weird family habits, LOL. It was supposed to be about my mother and the fact that on January 10th, she will be turning 60 years old. For some reason I am having a really hard time with this--could it be because it means that next year, I myself will be turning 40? Oh, I dunno...could be...
Anyway, selfish idiosyncrasies aside, my two siblings and I have been trying to decide what to do for my mother's big day. So far, we have decided that we want to surprise her with a weekend at one of the resort-type places up near the ranch and Yosemite and invite her sister down from Washington to share the day with all of us.
We had originally planned to have the shindig at The Wawona Hotel in Yosemite opened in April of 1879.
It is just gorgeous. The whole feel of the place is just charming and peaceful.
The place totally reminds me of the resort in the movie Dirty Dancing. I almost expected to see Baby come walking by...
Unfortunately, we found out that the hotel closes down in a couple weeks and stays closed until March or so for the winter season. We were bummed! My mom just loves the place and it would have been perfect.
Oh well, the search continues. I'll let you know what we come up with. And we better come up with something quick.
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