Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Story of Hegatty Pegatty

Hegatty Pegatty lives alone. Her house crouches low against the barren hill like a withered mushroom and the smoke from her fire twists and curls in solitude up through the vast and lonely sky, Hegatty Pegatty looks out from her small window and sees the empty valley. Hegatty Pegatty passes at dark along her track and hers are the only footfalls that echo the night.

Hegatty Pegatty is happy to live alone. The stillness dreamily caresses her thoughts. The silence stoutly feeds her soul. Hegatty Pegatty's world is infinite and minute. Hegatty Pegatty travels far and deep and high, and she moves not a step from her hearthside. Hegatty Pegatty walks a rich and ragged road.


Hegatty Pegatty is that kind of old woman about whom stories abound. She can scarcely spit over her gate or fart into the wind but the flames of eager rumour are being fanned into the furnace of bizarre and grisly folk tale. Village gossip, fiction and fable tenaciously cling like ivy across the surface of her life. Such are the children of nervous minds. There are none so afraid as those who fear that a difference should walk among them..and Hegatty Pegatty is an old woman who likes to live alone.

The nervous minds say: you are uncomforming and therefore very untidy in the scheme of things. The nervous minds say: you are not understood and therefore most uncomfortable to behold.

Hegatty Pegatty hears the stories and spits across her gate. Hegatty Pegatty listens to the tales and farts into the wind


Hegatty Pegatty is a witch. Of course she is. Does she not harvest strange greens from her tiny garden and ferment unlikely purple brews on her autumn sill? (Hegatty Pegatty is a firm believer in fresh salad and tonic wine as the route to certain health.) Does she not chant in unearthly tongues and sing to the waxing moon? (Hegatty Pegatty has a fine ear for melody.) Does she not jump naked into the winter stream? Does she not consume fat black slugs for supper and play poker with the devil? (Of such fancies have many old women been accused.) Does she not cast and curse and bind and break and hex and howl? She does indeed, and is a little inclined to harness a naturally robust and expressive spirit. It is said she wears live crows around her hat, she has been seen to ride a fox across the hills. Ah yes.

In the village, the children know her for the witch she must most surely be. They crowd her like bogflies, irritate her passage through the lanes. Hegatty Pegatty plays this game. She has played it before and she knows how it goes. She is, in fact, very good at it. So she madly snarls and blackly scowls across the village green, trailed by the teasing children. Hegatty Pegatty is a witch, isn't she?...


Hegatty Pegatty answers to no-one. As she chooses she takes a cup of tea, grows hairs on her chin and sleeps through the afternoon. As she chooses she talks to herself, observes the unseen and does the unexpected. As she chooses she lives the impossible dream, reinvents reality and tangos with time. Hegatty Pegatty cannot be tamed or tied or trapped. Her spirit is swift footed and canny and her walls are built of impenetrable courage. Roof of resolve, door of determination. No- one can touch she who is a castle unto herself.

And yet it is true that a hundred, thousand, million times her body was cracked and grilled, cracked and grilled, assaulted by the assembled forces of outrageous fear and vicious stupidity. Yes, there were many nights when Hegatty Pegatty sat chilled and grey in her chair, rocking to the cold rhythms of distant sufferings. But a pot keeps warm on a single ember and Hegatty Pegatty's stove is hotly singing once again. It is said that to declare your belief in witches you have only to put the kettle on.


Hegatty Pegatty walks to the village. The bog flies gather. They are chanting the tight lipped words of their nervous parents: mad Hegatty, bad Pegatty, eater of children and spoiler of milk, hairy Hegatty, stinky Pegatty, where are you going, alone..

Hegatty Peggaty walks inside a coat. It is made up of other people's eyes and what they see. Inside the coat she is walking strong and straight and clear, light of heart and bright of mind. Outside the coat Hegatty Pegatty does her bit: mutter, spit, mutter, mumble, ugly grimace, twisted scowl, creep and stumble, shake a fist, suck a slug, leer and grumble, mutter spit, mutter, mumble..The children are delighted


Hagatty Pegatty stops on the outskirts of the village. She turns to face the bog fly children who push and fidget, bump and huddle a little way behind. The children watch. Slowly carefully Hegatty Pegatty peeps around the edges of her coat. The children stare. She grins, she winks, she pauses, she lets them see her long enough to wonder if she's really bad and mad or just a bit surprising...then she is off, wrapped again in her coat of other people eyes.

Hegatty Pegatty lives on the moor, chant the children softly as she disappears along her track, Hegatty Pegatty OPEN YOUR DOOR!

Source Unknown

**Found this delightful story in my files.  This was shared in an online group I used to belong to called A Solitary Witch back in September of 2006.  I thought some of you might enjoy reading about Hegatty...I know I did.  Blessings...

Friday, September 24, 2010

A Place of My Own

For the first time since I first took up the mantle of Witch, I finally have a space all my own where I can make my magick.  It is incredible!  Being able to have all of my things out where I can see them--connect with them--is just so powerful!  My altar is now set up in what was my daughter's room.  She moved to Oakhurst a few months ago to find new and better opportunities and although I am very happy for her and know it was definitely the right move for her, it doesn't make having her so far away any easier.  That is one of the reasons, I think, that I had not touched or changed her room since she left.  However, just before Mabon, I was trying to figure out where I would be able to hold my ritual and the thought suddenly came to me that there was a wonderful garden-like window facing the East in my daughter's room--with a wonderful built in wooden bench in front of it.  As the idea took shape and I went in to look at the window, I knew that it would be the perfect spot to set up my altar. So, after I called my daughter and asked her if she would have a problem with it and she assured me that she would not, I got to work.

I began by cleaning the space and smudging the room as I think that Mabon is one of the perfect times of the year to really clean out the past energies in your home to be replaced by new energies and new beginnings.  And then I started unpacking all of my special "things" and setting up my altar.  This is a picture of my new space...

My Mabon ritual was really awesome...the big beautiful moon rose right in front of these windows and shined her light through the glass to bathe me in her rays.  I hope everyone else had a magickal Mabon as well.  Blessings to you and yours!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Learning Tarot

I have had a passing interest in learning more about Tarot card reading for a long time.  I had always heard stories about my great-great-great grandmother and her tea leaf reading fame in the small town where she lived and maybe my wanting to read Tarot cards is in some small way an effort on my part to connect to her.  Until recently, though, learning Tarot was always put on a back burner for a time in my life when I had more time--until I joined an online group of women known as Spirit Sisters on Facebook, that is.  I am a procrastinator.  I am.  There is no way around it.  But, somehow, connecting with these women has really struck a cord in me and has made me want to delve deeper into my magickal studies.  I am very grateful for their energy, friendship, and wisdom...and I count myself very lucky to be one of their number.

Yesterday, I ordered my very first deck of Tarot cards.  After spending most of the morning looking at different decks and trying to find one that resonated with me...I finally chose the Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot deck:
  I love the colors and imagery of this deck and can't wait to it arrives.  Until then I am going to study all I can so that I will at least know how to begin using them.  There are some wonderful Tarot discussions at the Spirit Sisters group and I will definitely be looking deeper into those.  I am really glad that I have some very knowledgeable and wise women to turn to for help in these studies.  Thank you Spirit Sisters!

A few weeks ago I was in a neat store we have in town called Earthtones.  They sell all manner of witchy and magickal items.  This store is owned by a really wonderful gal named Mary who also is the lady who first invited me to the monthly drumming circles I have been going to.  While looking at all of the cool things they have to offer one day before circle I came across a deck of oracle cards--The Wisdom of the Hidden Realms deck--a 44 card oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid.

  Now, I know that these are not true Tarot cards but when I saw the imagery of the cards I just fell in love with them and had to get them.  These are some of the cards:

 Aren't they beautiful?  I have been spending a lot of time with the cards...getting to know them and letting them get to know me :-)  . 

For the first time last night I chose one card and it turned out to be card #38 The Keeper of the Scales...Fairness, Balance as Ally (or upright position).  This is from the book that comes with the deck:  "The Law of Harmony is enacted when the Keeper of the Scales comes to you as an ally.  Align with her as the law states, making conscious choices that create balance in your life.  When you do, you also magically align with the abundance of the universe and the powerful forces of synchronicity.  This creates conditions and possibilities  that lead to the fulfillment of your highest intentions.

Harmony begins with the self and then resonates out towards others.  You are in harmony with yourself when you nurture yourself with love, respect and acceptance, always fully taking responsibility for your actions.  Only then can you be in harmony with others.

Another message is restoration and the positive, fair resolution in all disputes, including those involving the legal system or other important exchanges.  The Keeper of the Scales is a just and kind ally, always making sure balance is activated on your path."

What does this mean to me personally?  I know that Balance is definitely something I need to work on.  Many of the things I have been focusing on are not about balance.  I need to take a hard look at this and begin the hard process of letting those things go. 

Interestingly, before I even chose the The Keeper of the Scales card I noticed that another card had separated itself from the deck and was just sitting there in a spot I do not remember placing it in.  This card was #16 The Shadow Queen...Acquiring Knowledge, Insecurity, Manipulation. 

This is what the book said about this card:  "The Shadow Queen tells you that too many of the details hidden behind your circumstances prevent your from moving forward quickly at this time.  She has come with a lantern to help shed light on what is concealed within you or your situation.  This is the time to wait for more to be revealed.

Perhaps you lack clarity and the knowledge of how to proceed with the subject of your inquiry.  It's time to educate yourself a little more about your intention and then put that information to work for you.  The Shadow Queen asks that you dig deep to gain strength and that you have the courage to ask someone "in the know" to shed some light on your circumstances.  She promises to send that person to you.  Beware of moving too quickly in the dark, as you will probably trip and fall and have to start again."

What does this mean to me?  "BINGO!!!"

I hope you will continue on with me through this learning adventure.  I am really looking forward to learning a little more about myself and I think Tarot can be a powerful tool to do just that.  So mote it be!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Lions and Birthdays and Ghosts...Oh My!

I commented a little bit about this last weekend on Facebook but had to share the goings on here in more detail.  I apologize for lack of portraiture as my "darling" hubby (read that as %@$!%!^!, LOL) hid my camera from me.  Well, okay, he didn't actually HIDE it from ME.  He somehow lost it in the car after I handed it to him to hold as I was driving.  So, no pictures of Tino's 10th birthday party...arggghhhh.

Anyway...I digress...and I need to back up a little bit so you can get the full impact of how exhausting this weekend truly was--exhausting but very fun, too.

It was to be the Big Birthday Weekend Extraordinaire--have I mentioned yet that we were celebrating a total of 4 birthdays on Saturday?  No?  Well, I shall now.  Yes, Tino actually turned 10 (September 9th) on Thursday but we waited to have his party until Saturday when all the family could be in attendance.  Roger's (hubs) birthday was Saturday (September 11th)...and my twin stepson's 20th birthdays are actually today (September 13th) we did what any certifiably crazy people would choose to do and decided to make it one big crazy day of birthdays. 

I was just finishing cleaning up my house when my daughter and her boyfriend arrived Friday afternoon for the festivities.  A couple of hours later my Mother-in-law drove in from Ojai and we barely had time to kiss her hello before dashing out to the grocery store for provisions (did I just say "dashing"?).  Thankfully Tino stayed with Grandma Rufee so Rog and I were able to get in and get out of the store in record time--arriving home around 9:30pm.  Then it was time to bake Tino's chocolate birthday cake.  I think I stumbled off to bed around 11:30 or so.  Not sure, really.  I was a bit delirious by this time.

This was the simplified version of our Saturday agenda:

9:15am  Tino's Soccer Pictures
10:40am Farmer's Market to pick up fruit, grassfed friggin awesome ground beef, and scrumptious sweet corn on the cob to go with the tri-tip BBQ going on later
11:40am Get the coach (Rog) to the soccer field late (oye) and back hatch of Mother-in-law's new car won't open...problem cuz thats where the balls are...
11:45am Hatch of car finally opens
11:50am Arrive on soccer's getting's been really nice and cool for several days but Saturday it decides to get hot....look around and decide that it is going to be too hot for the older folks who are coming to see the game to sit out in the sun for the whole game...decide to go back home and pick up the umbrella stand
11:55am Leave and go pick up umbrella stand at home
12:00 Noon Arrive back at soccer field, game starts, family members start arriving and everyone is glad of the umbrella
1:15pm Soccer game ends...The Blue Torpedoes are  victorious for their first and friends have all lost their voices from screaming and yelling.
1:30pm Everyone back at our house.  Time to visit and have a Fuzzy Navel before heading to Paso Bowl for Tino's birthday party
3-5pm Tino's party at Paso Bowl...7 boys, 1 niece, and a lot of family had a fun time bowling...eating pizza and chocolate cake
5:20pm  Everybody arrives back at our house for BBQ and the continuing birthday celebrations for Rog and Brett & Ryan

Oh, and around about nightfall, some of us got a crazy idea to go and check out a supposedly haunted house out on Santa Rita Road...and a hanging tree--you know just for good measure.  Santa Rita Road is quite a spooky, windy road that takes you way out into nowhere.  I mean, during the day it is a really pretty drive but at feel like you are about to hear the banjo start playing right out of Deliverance--as soon as I find my camera I will have to take some pictures to show you. 

And yes, the girls got scared and we pretty much stayed in the car while the guys went and checked out the house.  But we did check out the hanging tree and you can see where the ropes left marks in one of the tree limbs high over head.

Anyway...Supposedly...the story goes...that a family with twin teenage girls lived in the house back in like 1950 or 1960 and one of the girls was messing around with her father's loaded rifle and ended up accidentally shooting her twin and killing her and then she turned the gun on herself afterward.  They say that you can still see the buckshot in the ceiling with bits of old blood and hair...and that workers had been working on the house years ago and something had scared them so bad that they left the house and left all of their tools and equipment behind and never returned.  Now, we are hearing all these tales from my daughter's boyfriend who also says that he had gone into the house a few years ago one night with friends and that he was the last one inside and that he believes that he was touched by something on his shoulder.  Now, I am not privvy to any knowledge of whether or not said boyfriend had been smoking some type of mind altering substances that night or not--he swears no, though. 

My brother-in-law, my sister and I did go back to check out the house the next day...yes, in the daylight, LOL...and managed to get in through a small window over the basement stairs.  The house is filled with old building materials but I did not see much in the way of tools--except for an old band saw on the front porch--BUT...there is a spot in the ceiling where there is either birdshot or buckshot (not sure what the difference is) embedded in it and the area looks spattered with a dark brown substance...old dried blood?...and something that looked a bit like hair?  Okay, it was dark...and it was hard to see cuz all the windows and door are boarded up...but....ya, we didn't stick around too long after that.  I did not get any bad vibes off the house--and I usually will in situations like these--and my brother-in-law who is Miwok Indian and very sensitive to vibes didn't feel anything much either.  Who knows...

And the rest of Sunday, after all the family went home, was pretty much about rest and recovery.  I miss them like crazy already, though.

And how was your weekend?  Any ghost hunting of your own?  Hope it was a great weekend for you no matter what you did.  Blessings...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Um, Where the Hell Have I Been?

Wow!! My last post was in March???  How did that happen?  I don't know...I can't say.  I can't even say that I was working on some big project that took up all my time.  Well, unless I can just say "life".  That is my only excuse.  But, the ol' Homestead has been calling to me.  I am back.  I am sorry for leaving anybody hanging.  And to those who stuck around and believed that I would one day find my way home again...thanks.  I look forward to getting to know all of you again.  To visiting your blogs again and reading your words.  I have missed you all.  Blessings....