For the first time since I first took up the mantle of Witch, I finally have a space all my own where I can make my magick. It is incredible! Being able to have all of my things out where I can see them--connect with them--is just so powerful! My altar is now set up in what was my daughter's room. She moved to Oakhurst a few months ago to find new and better opportunities and although I am very happy for her and know it was definitely the right move for her, it doesn't make having her so far away any easier. That is one of the reasons, I think, that I had not touched or changed her room since she left. However, just before Mabon, I was trying to figure out where I would be able to hold my ritual and the thought suddenly came to me that there was a wonderful garden-like window facing the East in my daughter's room--with a wonderful built in wooden bench in front of it. As the idea took shape and I went in to look at the window, I knew that it would be the perfect spot to set up my altar. So, after I called my daughter and asked her if she would have a problem with it and she assured me that she would not, I got to work.
I began by cleaning the space and smudging the room as I think that Mabon is one of the perfect times of the year to really clean out the past energies in your home to be replaced by new energies and new beginnings. And then I started unpacking all of my special "things" and setting up my altar. This is a picture of my new space...
My Mabon ritual was really awesome...the big beautiful moon rose right in front of these windows and shined her light through the glass to bathe me in her rays. I hope everyone else had a magickal Mabon as well. Blessings to you and yours!
9 hours ago
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