Thursday, November 12, 2009

I am EGGstatic!!

So, I go out to do chores this afternoon like I always do. You know... pick up after the dogs, feed and water Stewart and Little Bit (the resident pet rabbits), clean up the chicken house, feed and water the chickens. It was a day like any other day really. Just going about my business as usual.

I had absolutely no preconceived notions. I was not expecting anything out of the ordinary.

And then...and then...

My eyes caught sight of something. I looked a little bit closer. Then I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things. It was a small brown colored object nestled quite carefully in the straw of the middle nesting box. It was kind of...well kind of EGG shaped to tell you the truth!

And that was when I am sure my neighbors all came running to their windows to behold the crazy chicken lady who was whooping and dancing a little jig.

What is a jig, you ask? Well, I don't know, but I was dancing one, let me tell you!

My babies have grown up. And we have EGGS!!!!

Well, okay, we have one EGG. But has there ever been a fairer egg in all the land, I ask you?

Nope, I am sure of it.


I would love to hear your comments so I know you stopped by...